
Good Practice Guide for Shipping Companies and Manning Agents for the Humanitarian Support of Seafarers' Families

Guidance for shipping companies & crewing agencies on supporting Filipino seafarers affected by Typhoon Haiyan


Typhoon Haiyan inevitably had a huge impact on the Maritime Industry and the Filipino Seafarers who serve on board global vessels. While acknowledging the actions of governments, the United Nations and the International Maritime Organisation and International Labour Organisation, the shipping industry recognised that assistance may be required to support seafarers and their families.

Seafarers on board global vessels share the concerns of their families often with a feeling of helplessness. Seafarers, obviously, play a pivotal role in providing remittances and support to their families who often live in outlying areas and provinces, many of which are without power and communications.

Recognising all of these factors, partner organisations representing shipowners, ship-managers, manning agents, unions, and welfare associations, joined together to provide coordinated advice for issuance to shipping companies and manning agents.

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Good Practice Guide for Shipping Companies and Manning Agents for the Humanitarian Support of Seafarers' Families


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