Romanian Ports Welfare Committee
From this Committee take part Romanian Seafarers Free Union, Port Workers Union, Port Authorities, Agents, Welfare Organizations, International Transport Workers Federation.
Ports Welfare Committee establish general terms of Seamen’s Clubs activity in maritime ports, develop the strategy for welfare activity, lobbying for better support of welfare services to be applied to all seafarers, no matter of sex, nationality, religion, etc., nominate members of Welfare Board Committee.
Welfare services for seafarers on board and in ports is an important complementary union’ activity and is in a good cooperation with all national port actors and with international organization, like ITF and ISWAN.
From the beginning, Romanian Ports Welfare Committee:
Nominated the Welfare Board Committee;
Made agreements with all ports agents in order to apply C.163 and national legislation;
Contacted Port Authorities every year in order to insure that Seamen’s Club workers and volunteers are allowed to the port facilities and on board of the vessels;
Participated to the annual international meetings on Seafarers Welfare Services as members of ICSW or ISWAN;
Promoted our experience and model to others organizations in the Black Sea Region (Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Baltic States) or internationally (India, Italy);
Takes part to International, ILO meetings to promote C.163 on international level (Roma – Italy, Chennai – India).
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